Wednesday, January 14, 2009

So I finally made it to creating a blog. I figure since I don't have a job and there doesn't seem to be much here in Rexburg that I should probably get on it and create one. Anyway, Steve and I are enjoying the change in scenery it's much quieter here then in California and the people are so friendly. Everyone we've met in our apartment complex is so nice, a far cry from good ole' midtown. I plan on taking pictures here soon so that we can get some up of snowy Rexburg. It's not as bad as I thought, there's just a longer process getting ready to go outside, my hands only last about 10 seconds uncovered before they start to hurt, so that took some getting used to. Our room has a great view of the Rexburg temple so it's a nice constant reminder of where our sights need to constantly be. I'm hoping to have a job here in the next week or so so I'll keep you posted, you are welcome to pray for me if you want, I won't mind!

1 comment:

  1. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!! it's so much easier to know what's going on in someone's life with a blog. yaaaaaaaaaaay! so excited for you guys!



About Me

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I'm married and live in rexburg while my husband attends school full time and I am getting my teaching credential and looking for a job!