Sunday, June 21, 2009

We've told basically everyone but I guess for you that follow the blog (I think there are about four of you), we're pregnant! I'm about 9 weeks along and due in January. Everything is going good I guess since I'm feeling sort of lousy. My sister said that feeling crappy is a good sign that the baby is alive and kicking. Anyway, summer's coming along slowly, we've had more thunder storms here in the past two weeks then california has in a whole year. I guess rain is always good, but I want to go swimming! But we're going home next week for the fourth of July so I will get to do it then. I guess it's good because it's keeping Steve and I indoors doing school work. We finish the semester at the end of July and then we're home for three weeks (woohoo!) and then it's back for student teaching in driggs. 


  1. congratulations! We are so happy for you two.

  2. WOOT! pregnancy is the worst! but seriously, so worth it when at 20 weeks you can watch your baby on the ultrasound. that was when i officially felt like a mom. SO cool!

  3. Congratulations!! I loved being pregnant!! The first trimester I felt icky, but after that I felt better than I ever had not pregnant! I hope everything is going well. Check out our blog to see pictures of our baby girl!!



About Me

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I'm married and live in rexburg while my husband attends school full time and I am getting my teaching credential and looking for a job!